A free-wheeling pinku homage to Rear Window may seem a surprising start for Kurosawa, but it establishes a lot of the oddball charm that would later find its way to wonders like Doppelganger. Even if not much coheres—the leads’ characterization remains as flat as any pink film—it’s such a spirited, brisk romp that there’s little reason to complain.
抱着巨高的期待去看然后一个黑人电影背景音乐都是rap全程没有枪为了serve the symbolic purpose导致硬伤太多逻辑无法自圆其说办公室的交易完整版中字就像女主的shadow所言这是一场声嘶力竭的statementlife matters我同意但是全篇写满重复的呐喊doesn't make a statement A+